


Larry L. Sydow has written a science fiction series. The Parallel Missions series reveals that violence begets violence and peace begets peace. Through a series of worldwide adventures, two couples from parallel universes share experiences beneficial to both worlds. As they travel across the globe, they find other team members to join them in striving for peace. Each book is a stand-alone book, but the author blends the next book in a way that helps the reader experience it as another chapter in the previous book. In addition, the characters exhibit human characteristics, making them feel like your next-door neighbor.

Parallel Missions – The Journey Begins is a science-fiction series about a team of people from parallel worlds cooperating to promote genuine peace and prevent disasters in the future of both worlds. In book one, the team is recruited, trained, and equipped to face those opposing peace. Their travels take them on the first part of a “vacation” trip to Europe. Opposition from unknown enemies keeps the team on the alert. The book is available from Amazon, Draft 2 Digital, or the author.