Megan (Levesque) Wolfe ’11 learned the power of...

Founded in 1883, Midland University is the product of college and church connections.
Midland College was established in Atchison, Kansas, by the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church on September 15, 1887. The name Midland College was selected because of its central location in the United States. In 1919, the college moved to Fremont, Nebraska. The Fremont property had previously been called Fremont Normal School and Business College. In 1962, Midland merged with Luther Junior College (founded in Wahoo, Nebraska, in 1883). Midland College then became Midland Lutheran College, and finally, in 2010, Midland Lutheran College became Midland University.
Church relations, and the connections to Luther College and the Immanuel Nursing program remain as part of Midland's foundation that was established more than 130 years ago.