Alumni Spotlight: Kenzie (Bertolas) Olson ‘21

Alumni Spotlight: Kenzie (Bertolas) Olson ‘21

Monday, June 24, 2024

It didn’t take Kenzie Olson (Bertolas) ‘21 long to realize that Midland University was a place she wanted to call home. “I knew this was where God wanted me to be from the moment I stepped onto campus,” she said. “I loved the small campus, the four-year graduation guarantee for my five-year major (accounting), being able to continue to play the sport (hockey) I loved, and the opportunity to be surrounded by people who cared about me and always pushed me to be better.”

Kenzie works as a staff accountant and tax preparer at Bertolas & Pekula LLC in Ramsey, Minnesota, a firm owned by her father. Recently certified as a CPA, Kenzie does payroll, bookkeeping, sales tax, tax preparation, and many other related tasks.

Those skills were honed during her time at Midland, and she’s grateful for the many people who helped prepare her for a career in accounting. “I learned problem solving, communication, time management, and specific skills in my industry,” she said. “I am so thankful for my awesome professors like Jon Moxness, who inspired me to love accounting even more, and Nick Schreck, who was always supportive and wanted the best for me.

“I enjoyed how I was challenged and pushed to be better every day at Midland. My professors, team, and friends were always looking out for my best interests and helping me achieve my goals. I enjoyed the supportive community and how much I grew as a person in my time there.”

Along with hockey, Kenzie was heavily involved in both FCA and Cru, and some of her best memories were seeing both of those organizations grow during her time. “My freshman year there were less than 10 of us, but by my senior year, there were over 50 people attending each week,” she said. “It was amazing to see so many students who took time out of their lives to grow in their relationship with God.”

This past year has seen many life-changing events for Kenzie. She was married to her husband, Nathan, in August and then accomplished a lifelong dream of passing her CPA exams in November. 

In her spare time, Kenzie likes lifting/working out, going on walks with her dog, spending time with her family, and listening to music/podcasts.