From his time as a student, to now a staff member,...
Betty J. Hansen | Women of Midland
Betty J. Hansen | Women of Midland
Betty (Owens) Hansen was Midland's "First Lady," during the 18 years her husband, Rev. Dr. Carl Hansen, was President of Midland Lutheran College (1981-1999.) In addition to being a wife and mother, Betty was also active in a number of community activities, including the Board of Keene Memorial Library and local literacy offerings teaching adults how to read. She was also involved in Midland campus life, hosting faculty and student gatherings in her home and attending, with her husband, Midland theatre, music, and sporting events. Above all, she was an active member and supporter of Midland Women, presenting her Honorary Life Membership in recognition of her dedicated service to Midland Women and Midland Lutheran College on October 3, 1992.
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