From his time as a student, to now a staff member,...
Bits of Flint, Future and Past
Bits of Flint, Future and Past
Bits of Flint, Future and Past 2024
Dear Midland Alumni,
Hello writers. This May, Bits of Flint, Future and Past published a second online edition, featuring poems, fictions, reflections, photographs, or remembrances from the deep well of writers that have contributed to Bits of Flint over these many years.
This year's editors are Robert Farber and Jaden Cover. They also served as interviewers for a wonderful writer, Miranda Jansen, and a legendary teacher, Dr. Gary Carlson.
We invite you to submit your work for the 2025 edition. Before submitting, please refer to the guidelines below.
To submit your work, complete the submission form. If you have any questions, contact us at
Henry Krusiewicz
Professor of English
Would you like to make a gift to support Bits of Flint? Give today!
Submission Guidelines
We seek submissions from alumni of poetry, short fiction (2,000 words or less), excerpts from longer works of fiction (2,000 words or less), scenes from plays, photos of artwork, or works of creative nonfiction (2,000 words or less). Our aim is to provide a forum for past voices to speak in the present.
We ask that your voice not be strident, overtly political, or a manifesto supporting racist, sexist, or violent aims. We reserve the exclusive right to reject submissions that we find unsuitable and not in support of Midland University’s core values. We seek, instead, aesthetically interesting and fresh perspectives from a body of valued alumni that have seen much of the world and have something to add to its story. Our editors, (past student editors of Bits of Flint and now professionals in the world) will look for works that offer a unique perspective, that show and do not tell, that create images, rhythms, characters, plots, and story resolutions that offer a new understanding of the human experience. Bits of Flint, Future and Past seeks new and original works not previously published in other journals or venues.
For all accepted work, Midland University has First North American Rights, and then all rights revert back to the author.
Meet the Editors
My name is Jaden Cover. I was born and raised in Omaha. In my youth, I always enjoyed telling stories and playing sports. For the longest time, I thought these passions would lead me to a career in sports journalism. Instead, I decided to become an English teacher and coach.
I graduated from Midland University in the spring of 2022 with a degree in Secondary Education, 7-12 English. I played four years of football at Midland, and I was also a member of Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society. Professor Henry encouraged me early my freshman year to take his creative writing. It was Henry's class that opened my eyes to the different ways I could tell stories. I am very grateful for my athletic and academic experiences at Midland. I even look fondly back at the 6 AM workouts and staying up late to finish essays I procrastinated. In the end, they helped me get to where I am today.
In July of 2022, I was in a bad car accident where I broke my knee, back, and shoulder. I spent my first month teaching using a walker and wearing a back brace. I have since recovered physically, but writing is what has helped me heal emotionally from the accident. While I want to expand my writing to more topics in the future, it has served as a good therapeutic device for me.
I am currently living in Lincoln with my girlfriend, Paula. I teach English and coach football at Norris High School in Firth, Nebraska. I recently graduated with my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Western Governors University. Since graduating from Midland, I have felt a resurgence in my love for learning, and I love seeking new opportunities and topics to learn about.
My name is Robb Farber. I’m a middle school Reading and Language Arts teacher in the Omaha area, originally from Lincoln. As a Midland student I participated in the Football team, the English Honors Society, and the Bits of Flint publication, contributing to the latter four years and editing once. Since graduation two years ago my output has slowed, but my passion for writing poetry and short stories remains a necessary and essential component to who I am and how I approach life. Whether that be encouraging young readers and writers, fostering young leaders on the Student Council, or building roots in my community through coaching and film club, writing has been my outlet and a vital source of inspiration through every challenge and hardship.
When I consider my time at Midland University, I am reminded of the ethos I carry with me as an educator, that every teacher should act to remain a lifelong learner with a commitment to the values of self-reflection and student development. Not just as readers and writers, but the development of a well-researched worldview. My years at Midland were eventful with class discussions, public readings, deadlines, the biting cold of early February mornings jogging onto a football field, concussion protocol, Covid protocol, and city-wide floods. Throughout all of these, and many more, those same values and memories have kept me centered, and have pushed me forward with a mission to continue these pursuits, continue learning each and every day, and continue teaching with a purpose beyond the As and Bs.
I am entering my 27th year of teaching and learning at Midland. The art of creative expression plays an important role in my life personally and professionally. I am excited at the prospect of hearing new voices from Midland’s past contributing once again to our online Bits of Flint, Future and Past.