Megan (Levesque) Wolfe ’11 learned the power of...
Daria Phillips Bossman '73 + Bill Bossman '72
Daria Phillips Bossman '73 + Bill Bossman '72

Anniversary Date: February 18, 1973
Love Story: At the end of his freshman year in 1969, Bill became an officer of the International Relations Club. That summer he helped to address letters to the incoming freshmen. Among the letters he addressed was one to Daria Phillips of Oklahoma City. He was intrigued by the unusual name and the out-of-state address, since most of the students were from Nebraska and Iowa. When school started that fall, Bill scanned all the nametags of the freshman girls looking for the one with the exotic first name. He found her in the cafeteria line on the second day of orientation. It took him over a year to finally work up the nerve to ask her out because he was convinced she was "way out of my league." The first date was homecoming 1970. We both still remember our first kiss that night, and we have been best friends ever since. This month marks our fiftieth wedding anniversary, and we will celebrate with our three sons and their wives and our five granddaughters. We have fond memories of our college days, and the wonderful place that brought us together.