Mikenzie (Renning) Blessing ’13 learned about adversity early...
Harms-Wehrbein Nursing Scholarship
Harms-Wehrbein Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students entering their junior year as full time nursing major at Midland University with cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or above. The recipient must be active in the Student Nurses' Association at local level and preferably state level as well. Students should also be potentially eligible for membership in Theta Omega Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nurses. Preference is given to individual originally from southwest or southeast Nebraska. Students must demonstrate characteristics of caring and potential for nursing leadership as evidenced by clinical and/or classroom references. Students must have a willingness to maintain contact with Dr. Nancy Harms & Mr. Gerhart Wehrbein on annual basis.