Melissa BeDunnah '13 Takes Big Steps for Health

Melissa BeDunnah '13 Takes Big Steps for Health

Friday, June 22, 2018

She’s a cancer previvor because she’s never heard the words “You have cancer,” but she is taking big steps to make sure her risk is significantly smaller. Melissa BeDunnah, 27, of Lexington takes fighting cancer to a new level after learning she is positive for the BRCA2 genetic mutation. She will undergo a double mastectomy this summer to reduce the risk of cancer.

“Being a previvor means that I have a much higher risk of getting cancer than the general population,” BeDunnah said. “My health must be my number one priority — not only is my risk for breast and ovarian cancer high, I have an elevated risk for other cancers too.”

Cancer is nothing new to the family because of the BRCA2 mutation. BeDunnah was a newborn baby when her grandmother, Doris Richardson, died after fighting breast and ovarian cancers. BeDunnah was a sophomore in college at Midland University when her mother, Bea King, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Read the entire story from the Lexington Clipper-Herald here.