From his time as a student, to now a staff member,...
Alumni Spotlight: Brenda (Kalisek) Wilberding ‘07
Alumni Spotlight: Brenda (Kalisek) Wilberding ‘07
As a journalism student at Midland University, Brenda (Kalisek) Wilberding ‘07 was never one to gravitate toward the spotlight. “I always wanted to be behind the scenes,” Wilberding said. “I wanted to write stories, edit, and connect on a personal level with people. Even though I was also in the Arts, I did not want to be on stage.”
Fast forward 20 years later, and that same person who shied away from the attention now speaks to rooms filled with hundreds of people in her role as President/CEO of the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce.
“At the Chamber, we serve a group of around 600 businesses who have membership with us, and it is our job to help these businesses connect, and market to, the Fremont area,” Wilberding said. “We host large events such as golf tournaments, galas, and banquets, but we also hold weekly events like community coffees, ribbon cuttings, and after hours events, and I get the honor of speaking in front of the group at most of these events.”
Wilberding said the confidence to lead a room full of business leaders came from her ability to step out of her comfort zone at Midland. “My junior and senior years, as part of my journalism major, I was required to be on stage with a microphone for some classes,” she said. “I was so nervous, but had to fight through. If it wasn’t for that extra push, I wouldn’t be as successful in the career I’m in now.”
Wilberding arrived at Midland from Logan View High School with the opportunity to be involved in the Arts, as well as a member of the Warrior volleyball team. She was part of the journalism program, and some of her fondest memories as a student evolve around her time working in the journalism lab.
“Our journalism team would be there until 4 a.m. sometimes working on the next newspaper article or magazine,” she said. “When you spend so much time together, you start to feel like a family. Being a student at Midland was special because not only did we get to know those people in our field of study, but we also got to know our instructors well. They knew about us, our likes and dislikes, where we would shine, and where we needed some work, and they took the time to invest in us as individuals to ensure we were successful. That is more than the feeling of a school, that is the feeling of community.”
Following some other stops after graduation, Wilberding made her way back to Midland University in 2015 as an Admissions Counselor. She would move to a role in the Institutional Advancement Office, where she remained for five years, before becoming the Career Studio Director. She remained in that role until transitioning to the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce in 2023. In 2020, she was recognized as one of the top 20 Under 40 Young Professionals in the Fremont community. “Some of my proudest accomplishments have come through my journey through my professional career,” she said. “I’m extremely proud of being able to help people find their fit in Fremont. I get to help people feel comfortable connecting with others, and get to play business match-maker and ultimately help people belong.”
Her rise in the professional world would not have been possible without the love and support of her husband, Brian, and two daughters. “My husband has been an excellent supporter of my growth and my daughters are built-in cheerleaders for me,” she said. “I feel blessed to have my immediate family and my in-laws all very close in proximity to us.”
In her free time, she enjoys playing volleyball, golfing, camping, and spending time with family and friends.
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