Midland University is excited to announce Dr. Aly Williams as the university’s 17th president. Williams will assume her new role on April 10, 2025. Current Midland President Jody Horner is set to...
Thanks to the vision and generosity of many donors, Midland University offers a variety of scholarships with varied and diverse criteria. When you give to student scholarships at Midland University, you help offset the cost of education and open up opportunities for students who, due to financial pressures, would be unable to obtain an undergraduate degree. If you are interested in establishing a scholarship, please contact Laura Jensen, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, at 402-941-6523 or jensen@midlandu.edu.
Mortensen Family Scholarship
Given by family members, the Mortensen Scholarship recalls the contribution that the family of Ana and George Mortensen has made to the life of the college. The scholarship gives preference to married students intending to enter the ministry. Others interested in church or human service professions may qualify for the award.
Merlin Mortinson Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students with a 3.0 or above GPA and who demonstrate financial need.
Harry and Bernice Mapes Moyer Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to students pursuing a career in education. The award is made to students with personal integrity, academic ability and financial need.
Musbach Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship fund was originally established as part of the bequest of Amos Musbach to provide assistance to worthy students interested in becoming pastors, doctors or nurses. Mindful of Amos Musbach’s devotion to the Scribner/Snyder communities, at least one scholarship is to be awarded annually to a worthy youth from the Scribner/Snyder area, provided one is eligible. Others may be awarded as well. An advisory committee screens and makes recommendations to the scholarship committee for the Scribner/Snyder area recipient.
Gerald D. Myers Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Jerry Myers to honor his lifetime commitment to Fremont. The scholarship is awarded to students from Dodge County majoring in one of the liberal arts majors offered by Midland. The scholarship is not renewable.
Navarrette Family Scholarship
The Navarrette Family Scholarship was established in 2018 by Midland Alumni Steve and Julie Navarrette. This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree in the Dunklau School of Business in good academic standing. First preference is given to students from the urban core of Omaha.
William Nelsen Scholar-Athlete Funded Scholarship
This annual scholarship was established by Bill Nelsen '63 and his children. As a student at Midland, Bill learned that Midland makes it possible to be an athlete while seeking always to do well academically and to participate in great learning activities in student government, speech, debate, campus religious activities, service to others, and many other options. This scholarship is awarded each year to a student-athlete participating in one of Midland University's varsity sports. Preference should be given to a student entering their sophomore year. Preference should also be given on the basis of merit to a student-athlete who shows excellence in academics and athletics, and service to church, school, and/or community.
Carl O. and Edith Nelson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to students with a 3.0 GPA and financial need.
Gene Nelson Endowed Music Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a music student.
Marion and Carrol Nelson Scholarship
Provides a scholarship to a pre-medical student. If there are no pre-medical students, then the scholarship may be awarded to a nursing student or a student planning a medical career.
Sarah D. Nelson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by family and friends of the late Sarah D. Nelson in celebration of her life and her time at Midland Lutheran College. Sarah was majoring in History and English at Midland and was active in the theatre and campus life. Students from Axtell, Neb. will be given first preference, and students from Kearney or Franklin County, Neb. will be given second preference. If there are no students that are qualified for the scholarship from those areas, scholarships shall be awarded to students active in campus life and with financial need.
Leonard Nielsen Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Kappa Phi alumni and is supported by many friends and family of Leonard Nielsen. This memorial scholarship is awarded to a Midland student(s) who is an active member of the Kappa Phi fraternity and is of junior or senior standing. Preference is given to a student(s) who is engaged and excels in the classroom and/or is active in the Fremont community.
Nitz Family Scholarship
Established in memory of Frances Nitz by her family, scholarships are awarded annually to a student from rural Nebraska who has been active in 4-H and who has financial need. The scholarship may be renewed for subsequent years of attendance at Midland.
Nordstrom Scholarship
Created by the Rev. K. David and Joan Nelson Nordstrom, this endowed fund provides an annual scholarship to assist a student to study at Midland University.
Erna Ruth Thorwald Nore Luther College 1951
This scholarship supports a student with financial need who plans a career in Education.
Bernard F. Novak Scholarship
Established by his sister, Celice Tarbutton, in honor of Mr. Novak’s life and work. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving pre-seminary student. If this preference cannot be honored, the scholarship is awarded to a student of good character with financial need.
Nye Health Services Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to Midland University students pursuing a degree in nursing or a healthcare-related occupation. Preference may be given for students representing ethnic diversity, students who are single parents, and/or non-traditional students who are currently employed or who have had work experience. Preference may also be given to students who have an employment connection to Nye Health Services, either through their own employment or the employment of a parent or guardian. Financial need shall be considered. Ten $1,000 scholarships are to be awarded.
Walter Olsen Music Scholarship
This scholarship, established by friends and family of the late Walt Olsen in honor of this Fremonter’s longtime contributions to music education, is awarded each year to a talented music student with financial need.
Bill Paden Scholarship
This scholarship, in recognition of Bill Paden, a 1947 Midland graduate and life-long college friend, is to be awarded to a student with demonstrated financial need and academic ability.
Bertha Pankratz Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established through a gift from the Bertha Pankratz estate. It is awarded to students on the basis of financial need.
Dale and Rita Pennybaker Scholarship
Established in 2010 by the generosity of family, friends and former players and students whose lives have been touched by the Pennybakers. The scholarship is to be used for the benefit of student athletes in good academic standing.
Martha Peters Phi Omega Scholarship
This sorority has honored Martha Peters with a scholarship bearing her name. A 1934 Midland graduate, Martha Peters had a lifelong relationship with Midland Lutheran College as secretary to the president and archivist. The scholarship recognizes students who reflect her character and loyalty to Midland.
Dr. Harold E. Petersen Memorial Scholarship
To honor and to memorialize the life and achievements of St. Joseph, Missouri, pediatrician Dr. Harold E. Petersen, ’27, a scholarship has been established by Mrs. Eulalia E. Petersen, wife of Dr. Petersen, and by his family. Awards are given annually to juniors or seniors of demonstrated academic ability and with financial need who are majoring in pre-medicine. Consideration also may be given to nursing students.
Gladys Peterson Perpetual Scholarship
For students who intend to pursue a career in elementary education.
Pi Epsilon Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a member of Pi Epsilon sorority.