Megan (Levesque) Wolfe ’11 learned the power of...
Thanks to the vision and generosity of many donors, Midland University offers a variety of scholarships with varied and diverse criteria. When you give to student scholarships at Midland University, you help offset the cost of education and open up opportunities for students who, due to financial pressures, would be unable to obtain an undergraduate degree. If you are interested in establishing a scholarship, please contact Laura Jensen, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, at 402-941-6523 or
Nick and Rosella Lalich Scholarship
Established by these Midland friends, one or more scholarships are awarded annually to upperclassmen who have demonstrated academic achievement and who have financial need.
Theodore and Mabel Lamprecht Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a student or students in good academic standing.
Mildred Lang Scholarship
Created by the family and friends of Mildred Lang, this scholarship is awarded annually to a female student attending Midland, with preference given to nontraditional students, particularly those returning to college. The student will be financially deserving and of good character. The scholarship may be renewed.
Archie H. and Violet E. Larson Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2009 by their daughters, J. Yvonne Neville and Dawn Fusselman, both who graduated from Luther College and Immanuel School of Nursing. The scholarship is to be awarded to a financially need student in the nursing program.
Dr. L. Dale and Ruth Lund Scholarship
Created by the friends and colleagues of Dr. L. Dale and Ruth Lund on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary and in honor of their dedicated service to Midland Lutheran College, where Dr. Lund served as president from 1969-1981. Students with financial need who exhibited strong academic achievement will be considered for support from this scholarship.
Sie & Edythe Lundstrom Scholarship
Established in memory of Sie and Edythe Lundstrom, long time Fremont residents and supporters of the Lutheran Church, this scholarship is to be awarded to an active member of the Sinai Lutheran Church in Fremont, Nebraska with financial need and in good academic standing.
Luther Heritage Scholarship
Established by the alumni of Luther College, the Heritage Fund seeks to perpetuate the values and commitments of Luther College in Wahoo, Nebraska, one of the predecessor institutions of Midland Lutheran College. Scholarships are awarded annually to students who represent the mission and ideals upon which Luther was founded.
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Endowment Scholarship
Created from a generous gift by the congregation of the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, this fund awards a scholarship(s) each year to a deserving student(s) who is from Omaha or, if unavailable, from Eastern Nebraska, holds a junior status or above and is majoring in a ministry related field. This scholarship was established out of gratitude for God's blessings and from a desire to provide lasting assistance for students attending Midland University. This endowed scholarship was initiated with a $10,000 gift.
Oscar Lyders Music Scholarship
This fund was established by former choir members to honor Dr. Oscar Lyders for the great contributions he made to the life and work of Midland. One or more scholarships each year shall be awarded to undergraduate students majoring in vocal music. Awards may be repeated. Any student majoring in vocal music may apply for this scholarship.
Bessie Lyzhoft Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded in memory of Bessie Lyzhoft, a member of the 1919 commercial class at Fremont Normal College, to a worthy and deserving student.
Louis E. May Scholarship
This fund was established to perpetuate the memory of Louis E. May and provides scholarships to students from Fremont with financial need.
Jim McMahon Memorial Grant Fund
The Jim McMahon Memorial Grant Fund was established by the McMahon Family to honor of Coach Jim McMahon, who was a track and cross country coach at Midland for nearly 40 years. Recipients of this scholarship are recommended by the track and cross country coaches and/or the athletic director, have high financial need, good character, and are in good standing with the athletic program and the university. Scholarships are renewable annually.
McMillan/Nelson Scholarship
This scholarship, created by Burton and Joan McMillan, shall be awarded to students of good academic standing with financial need.
Christof Meyer Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1989 in memory of Christof Meyer, this scholarship is given annually to a student with academic ability who is physically handicapped. In the event that no physically handicapped student applies for consideration, the scholarship may be given to a student with financial need from the Fremont-Hooper area.
Lawrence H. and Anona Meyer Scholarship
This scholarship shall be awarded annually to worthy and deserving students who are pursuing a career in the field of medicine.
James W. Miller Scholarship
This fund was established in honor of James W. Miller to aid pre-law students.
Thomas and Della Lacy/Cy and Thelma Miller Scholarship
This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Cy Miller to provide assistance to a pre-theological student and a nursing student each year.
Vern Milligan Scholarship
Established by a Fremont native, Vern Milligan, this scholarship awards grants to students based on financial need.
J. Dale and Marion K. Milliken Memorial Scholarship
Created by their family and friends, this scholarship is awarded annually in memory of J. Dale and Marion K. Milliken, Fremont community leaders and college friends. The scholarship is awarded to a student who has maintained the required grade point average and who has financial need.
John Mkenda Scholarship
The John Mkenda Scholarship was established in 2018 by Midland Alumni Alex (’64) and Marlys (’64) Meyer in honor of John Mkenda. John, of Marangu, Tanzania, attended Midland on scholarship, graduating with a degree in business in 1965. John returned to Tanzania as one of less than a hundred college graduates in the country. John lived his life in service and dedication to the Church and his country. Midland awarded John with a Doctor of Law degree in 2002 honoring his dedication of service. The John Mkenda scholarship is awarded to international students of good academic standing with an encouragement to use their education in service to the church and their community. Preference is given to international students and students with financial need.
Moeser Education Scholarship
This perpetual scholarship was established by Drs. Elliott '69 and Sue '70 Moeser. This scholarship is awarded each year to a student majoring in Education with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The recipient must have completed at least one full semester (12 credit hours) at Midland University before being eligible for the scholarship. A student shall only receive this scholarship once, as it is not renewable. The Moeser Education Scholarship is intended to encourage students to go into and remain in the education profession at the PK-12 level.
Moeser Education Scholarship
The Moeser Education Scholarship is awarded to a Midland student who is majoring in Education and has a minimum 3.0 GPA. The scholarship is intended to encourage students to go into and remain in the education profession at the PK-12 level. The recipient of the scholarship will be recommended by the Midland education faculty and shall have completed at least one successful semester of academic work at Midland before being named the recipient.
Dave and Sheila Monke Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2022 by Dave and Sheila Monke, a third generation Monke scholarship at Midland University. This perpetual scholarship should be awarded annually to a student(s) majoring in Special Education or Applied Behavior Analysis.
Henry and Lena Monke Scholarship
The Henry and Lena Monke Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by the late Luther Monke to perpetually honor his parents. The fund provides annual scholarships. Preference is given to Lutheran students living in the general area served by Midland.
William and Helen Monke Scholarship
Created by Bill and Helen Monke, this annual scholarship provides assistance to students in good academic standing with financial need. First preference is given to Lutheran students who come from rural, farming communities within the state of Nebraska.